I was honored to be interviewed my Elaine Wilson of the DOD Family Matters website about being a guardian for my granddaughters during our daughter’s deployment. After the interview was completed, Elaine asked me if I would like to be a guest blogger on the DOD Family Matters website. She felt I could share some specific topics that could help deployed families. I couldn’t say yes fast enough. This site is addressing so many issues that military families face.
Guardians and Grandparents are a small group of the over all military numbers. I have found we are about 10 percent. The Department of Defense is now recognizing that military families need help, due to the multiple deployments and single parenting that has grown over the years.
Here is my article I wrote and my picture with my granddaughters.
http://afps.dodlive.mil<http://afps.dodlive.mil/> ENJOY!