Category Archives: support

Coming soon- Want to know how to reconnect with your returning soldier

I will be offering very soon- 7 Steps to Reconnecting You with Your Returning Soldier. I have created this   Audio product with workbook  to help military families know what to expect when their soldier returns. I found this part of deployment being the most challenging of all. I had very little information when my daughter returned. I was in shock how different my daughter was when she returned even though she saw no tragedy and how challenging it is for our family.

As a family member you are not sure what exactly  to say and do when your soldier returns. The soldier has changed. You know they love you, but they act so different, they are cold and disconnected.  I have developed this product to help the families better understand the soldier’s mindset and the changes the family must make.

I will keep you posted!

My granddaughter is finalist- Military Child of the Year- Air Force

Being a mom was rewarding, but being a grandma is the ultimate! And having others recognize your grandchildren efforts is such an a humbling feeling.

My granddaughter Bailey is a finalist for Operation Home Front – Military Child of the Year. She was selected   for her  efforts helping military families. Going to  Yellow Ribbon events, speaking, blogging on their website and writing their book- Deployed Kids/ How we survived our mom’s deployment

She wanted other militray kids not to be sacred when their parent deploys.

Most military children can not talk about their parents deployment. It’s so hard for kids to talk to others about their loss, it is like a death. Then the feeling of being alone, not having anyone that can support and understand you.

I believe talking with my grandchildren and having them share their fears helps them face the fears. And now my granddaughters are sensitive to others, because of what they have gone through.

There are 20 very deserving finalists for Military Child of the Year- Air Force. Just being a finalist she is a winner to me!

If we start our children out young to see the needs of our society, and to help others, our world would be a better place!


Remote Grandma using social media!

Our  granddaughters are  involved with ballet, tap, jazz, hip hop and lyrical dancing. Living out of state it’s difficult to observing them in dance classes and seeing their progress.This is when I wished I lived close to them . It’s fun being involved with my granddaughter’s interest, plus they feel such pride when I come to their performances.

This past fall, Ivie (eldest granddaughter) auditioned for a ballet part in the “Snow Queen” and was  selected as a dancing flower. Every Sunday afternoon Ivie’s mom would drove her to the rehearsals. I give my daughter and son in law  a lot of credit,   driving 45 minutes one way  to rehearsal.

Ivie’s personal time was so limited with school, dance and the  additional dance rehearsals. This was the first time Ivie and I had very little communications with each other.  I wanted to stay in touch, so I begun  posting on Ivie’s wall on Facebook to keep up with how she was doing. She responded to my messages and we were able to keep connected and up to date.

Two weeks ago my husband and I went to see  Ivie performance in  Snow Queen. She played a part as a dancing flower.This performance had professional dancers and amateurs like my granddaughter. They had makeup artists to apply their makeup and beautiful costumes. The performance was at Herbert Hall in downtown Phoenix. A remodeled stage, small but pretty inside. We enjoyed seeing Ivie performance and she was so proud we were there.

I have found when kids get older, you must find what their way of communicating is  to stay connected. So now when I am on Facebook I post a comment on her wall and she always replies. Stay connected it’s worth it!